In order for your car to start, the engine needs fuel and air. The process of starting your car begins with a series of steps that you should follow in order in order to start the ignition and get going. Let’s take a look at the process step by step:

1. Make sure you have gas in your gas tank so that when you turn on your engine, it will be able to run smoothly. Even though it is not required if you’ve recently driven and turned off your car, but we recommend checking because some cars will not start without gas while others may need up to three miles of driving before they are able to start without gasoline.

2. Make sure the battery is fully charged. Charging can be done by connecting a charger to the battery through your car’s 12-volt socket, or use a certified trickle charger which uses low current to charge the battery slowly.

3. Make sure your car’s fuses and circuits work properly by checking for power with a multimeter and check for voltage with a digital voltmeter. Make sure you are able to hear exhaust coming out of the tailpipe to know if you have enough fuel.

4. Clean off all interior parts of your car so that they would not be dusty when you start it up specially above the steering wheel.

5. Make sure you have the right key to insert in the ignition.

6. Make sure you have your seatbelt on when starting your engine so that it would not injure you if an accident occurs. Also make sure all passengers inside the car wear their seat belts as well before you start driving.


If you follow all of these steps and still cannot start your car, then there might be something wrong with the starter motor or electrical wiring of your automobile. To get this fixed, go to a certified mechanic near you who can conduct a comprehensive diagnostic test on your vehicle and verify whether it’s fixed or not.