Car insurance is an important part of your life, so it’s essential to find the best policy you can. Finding the best car insurance is easier said than done because there are so many different factors to consider, but these strategies will help you make a more informed decision on what policy will work for your needs.

Decide how much coverage you need

When it comes to cars and liability, the first thing to consider is the minimum amount of coverage required in your state. In most cases this will be determined by state law, but always check your specific policies to make sure you’re not missing out on a better policy elsewhere. After that, you’ll need to consider how much risk you are willing to take on as well as how long until your next car purchase. The longer time period between buys will require more coverage and vice versa.

Decide your claims history

If you’re in the process of buying a new car, your insurance agent will likely offer to run a report on your claims history so you know exactly how it will affect the price of your premium. However, this is also something that can be done at any other time to help you save money on insurance if needed be. State laws vary on how much claims history is allowed before an increase in premium occurs, but it’s worth investigating.

Determine your method of transportation

Your choice in vehicle type will come with an array of insurance considerations as well. The type of vehicle you drive will dictate a wide variety of factors, including how much insurance you will need to cover your car, whether or not that vehicle is eligible for collision coverage, and even whether or not it’s required by law.

Consider driving school discounts

Auto insurance companies offer several different types of discounts. Some are offered by default, such as being a member of an auto club, while others are available only if you qualify for them and ask for them yourself. One discount that is frequently overlooked is the student discount. If you took a defensive driving course or another type of driver’s education course, be sure to mention this to your agent during your next policy renewal period. Some companies will offer a discount up to 10 percent off your premium so be sure to ask!

Car insurance is one of those things that everyone needs but few understand completely. Hopefully this list of tips will put you on the path to finding the best car insurance and saving yourself some cash in the process!